Oppenheimer, the destroyer of worlds


Oppenheimer is a 2023 movie directed by Christopher Nolan.

This movie is about J. Robert Oppenheimer, played by Cillian Murphy, the "father of the Atomic Bomb" and the judgment he had after World War II because of his creation.

It shows a slice of his personal life by showing of of his lovers, Jean Tatlock (played by Florence Pugh), I say one because Oppenhimer was a womanizer and had a lot of affairs, and his story with his wife Kittie (played by Emily Blunt), it also shows his link with the communist party and his brother who was a member of the CP. It also shows his relationships with other scientists like Dr Ernest Lawrence (played by Josh Harnett) or Albert Einstein (played by Tom Conti).

The movie shows that Dr J. Robert Oppenheimer felt guilty about his creation.

He had troubles when the file about his life was leaked. Lewis Strauss helped him with this by speaking for him but also to have a facility to have a place in the government.

I loved this movie.

The beginning and the end of the movie mirror each other; the movie start with a close shot of raindrops on a puddle before having a close shot of Oppenheimer's face looking at it and the lasts shots are raindrops on a lake before having a closer shot of Oppenheimer's face. The raindrops are an image of his creation and what this discovery will do to mankind.

Nolan represented as a modern Prometheus, he highlighted this fact by referring to the myth at the very beginning.

The shots of the explosions of Trinity made me feel a chaotic sadness when I first saw it, at first I was mesmerized by it but it quickly changed by sadness and disgust while the shots showed the mushroom of the explosion.

5/5 I've seen it in Imax for the second time I've watched it in a theater (it was the very first time that I saw a movie in Imax) and I have absolutely no regrets. The tennis table game between the white and black shots which represent Amiral Strauss' point of view and the colors shots of Oppenheimer's point of view made the comprehension of the movie more clearer.



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