Green Book, on the road to discover the other
Green Book is a 2018 movie by Peter Farrelly. In this movie the spectator follow the story of Tony Lip, played by Viggo Mortensen, an Italian-American who was hired to be the driver of Dr Don Shirley, played by Mahershala Ali, who is a black pianist who has to do a tour in the South of the United States; they have to use a green book to know where are the places for black or white people because in the 1960's racism is still a huge issue in the country and furthermore in the South of the country in which segregation is present.
Tony is a poor white man who lives in Bronx, the black borough of the city of New York, tries to earn his life as he can by choosing the jobs that earn the most with the abilities that he has. This job of driver is perfect for him because it doesn't ask much from him, he can drive so it's perfect but there's an issue for him: his employer is black, he didn't knew the skin color of the doctor and Tony almost said no to the job but accepted it because he needs money to feed his family. Unlike Tony Don is rich and seems to have a perfect life, only in appearance because he knows racism and doesn't speak to his brother.
This movie shows that both learn from one to another, how life can be when you're poor or black but the movie is much focus on the white point of view and it would have been great to see more the black point of view in this story because the way the movie was directed it is not accurate for Don Shirley.
3.5/5 I would have liked to see more the black way of living of the time and to focus more on the pianist because it is really interesting to learn more about him and to know how he really was, we only see him through the eyes of Tony. Even with this issue I enjoyed the movie but when the spectators watch a movie based on real events they have to know that it is never completely accurate.
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